The iPad2 as a video conference tool for doctors
March 14, 2011
The new iPad2 has two cameras now making video calls possible. The potential uses as a medical tool are numerous. Doctors can video conference patients in the out-patient setting, create on-the-fly TV shows at medical conferences, and attending doctors at home can communicate better with residents on call, to name just a few of the possibilities.
We tested the functionality of the iPad2 video using our desktop Sony Vaio PC (New York), to simulate a patient at home, and neurosurgeon Brian Kopell’s iPad2 (Milwaukee). We used the open-platform Skype, rather than Apple’s proprietary FaceTime. Dr. Kopell used a WiFi connection rather than a cellular tower connection.
This was the first time for Dr. Kopell to attempt any form of video conferencing on his new iPad. He was able to logon to Skype and establish a video connection to us within a few minutes. The video image was pretty clear and not jerky. The audio was not exceptionally delayed or cumbersome.
In summary, the new video conferencing capabilities of the iPad2 are more than adequate to allow doctors to begin a new era of telemedicine. Dr. Kopell joked, “I can strap one of these to my resident’s head and have him round for me.”
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